
Model behavior.

Well, it’s the end of another quarter.

One of the most wonderful things about being home (besides seeing my family and eating home-cooked food and sleeping in a giant white wonderland of a bed, of course) is walking barefoot on a clean carpet. There are so many small pleasures that I didn’t even consider when I was living here, being barefoot foremost among them. It’s a sign that I’ve really let my guard down, this traipsing barefoot all over my Mom’s neatly vacuumed floors. Being barefoot is a sign of trust, of that home-ness I’ve been missing. Is that silly?

It's been a busy, busy quarter, what with dance, work, classes, Theta stuff, Ann Taylor, and MODA. I'm sure some of you are wondering about that outfit....you know the one. (In fact, I had coffee with a good friend back home and the first thing she asked me was, "Can you just explain to me what was going on there?!")

In case you haven't seen it, let me burn it into your retinas.

That look of embarrassment and pain on my face is compounded by the fact that I am trying to keep the giant yogurt carton on my head from sliding off and falling down my back. The whole get-up went something like this:

yogurt carton tied to my head
bedsheet on top
red paint
red barbed wire

A lot of people had something to say about this outfit, which I think I can safely conjecture was the most "out-there" look on the runway. My designer, a very lovable and adorable person, explained it to me as she was tying me into it about an hour before the show. (Honestly, had I known what I would be wearing far enough in advance...I'm not sure I would have had the guts to go out there on a runway in front of my peers and members of the Chicago fashion industry). She said she was going for a wedding dress, which was sexy because it didn't reveal the wearer's curves. She warned me that the sexiness would all have to come from my facial expression.

Well...I tried, really I did, but the people shouting my name as I walked, coupled with extreme discomfort of the heavy sheet dragging down the yogurt cup tied to my head...it was a trial, let me assure you. Looking sexy was the furthest thing from my mind. 

To top it off, the dress came untied during the second walk around the runway and flapped open, exposing my legs and butt to the entire audience. And since my hands were basically bound to my sides with barbed wire, it was quite a challenge to gather the sheet closed.

Of course, as I was leaving the runway and going back to the backstage area, a random old janitor leered, "Yer thing is coming undone there..."
Yeah, thanks.

If you're wondering, my designer said she was inspired by this Yves Saint Laurent dress: (not the KKK or a bloody tampon, as many suggested)

The knitwork on this is amazing. And YSL can do stuff like this, because they're YSL. But a bedsheet? Not quite on the same level.
All in all, I have to say, it was a very interesting experience. I am not daunted by MODA, and I think I'll try for their Spring show. At least my designer had some sort of vision...something unique. Right? Right.

In other modeling news, you can vote for me on Ann Taylor's nationwide student modeling call. 

I think this is one of the worse I took. But...what do I know.

Happy Spring Break, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. GIRL. You kept your cool on that runway the whole way through, and my hats go off to you for it. The outfit (if we even want to call it that) in my honest opinion was a poorly executed, but YOU were fantastic!
